Net Profit Recipes



Business Optimization


1-4 weeks


from 1 000 EUR


Business Optimization


1-4 weeks


from 1 000 EUR


Have lots of work, employees, revenue? Do you have enough profit to make all your efforts worth?

"Net Profit Recipes" shines a light on hidden growth spots in your business by using thorough analytics and top industry methods.

It's like finding new, profitable recipes using the business ingredients you already have to get the most out of what you do.


  • You want to increase profit

  • You feel that you are able to earn more but cannot touch it

  • Your competitors are doing well and grow faster

  • You have unstable demand or strong seasonality

  • You aim to utilize existing resources better

Approach & Tools:

  • Market Research

  • Market best practices consolidation

  • CRM/ERP tuning/integration

  • Identification of the most valuable Key Performance Indicators and metrics (out of 100+ existed options)

  • Definition of Metric Frameworks

  • Unit economics

  • Investment Performance evaluation

  • Automate Data Collection

  • Reporting Dashboards creation

  • Resources allocation

  • "Fair" cost/conditions benchmark creation

  • Training Stakeholders

  • Documentation (SOP)


Transform your business efforts into tangible profits; unlock the hidden wealth in your work today!

Not only track the metrics - benefit from the metrics. Enjoy the results, not only the efforts.

  1. Increased profit margins (up to 100%)

  2. Effortless KPI tracking

  3. Data-driven decisions

  4. Define the real LTV, CAC, AOV and more

  5. Ability to act as a market leader

  6. Unlock all the potential of your business model

  7. Easily track all the metrics to ensure benefit


  1. Key Metrics Dashboard (Volume, Marketing, production, costs, by product analysis, etc.)

  2. Automatization of all data collecting procedures. You get more the results, not the efforts.

  3. All related side models (Market size projection, SOM, TAM, ADC, LTV, AOV; Volume, Marketing, VMC, OPEX breakdown, Product based unit economy)


Business Optimization


1-4 weeks


from 1 000 EUR

How we proceed

1. Set up Diagnostic call

2. Goal settings

3. Project Development

4. Follow-Up Consultation

5. Final Presentation Call

6. Revisions

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© Copyright 2023. All rights Reserved.

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© Copyright 2023. All rights Reserved.

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